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Frequently Asked Questions
The team at Chesapeake Endodontic Center is committed to providing you with the highest quality of care. The questions below are just a few of the questions we frequently answer. All of these questions — and more — are answered in more detail in different sections of our website.
Please give us a call at 410-224-7556 if you have any questions or concerns regarding your root canal case.
We are always happy to answer any of your questions.
Do I need a referral?
You do not need a referral to see a root canal specialist. However, most patients are referred by their general dentist to our office. Typically it is best if you are seeing a general dentist and have a treatment plan established for your overall dental health.
Is a root canal painful?
Modern science has advanced the technology of endodontics to the point where procedures are typically comfortable. We are committed to providing the highest quality of care available in a relaxed atmosphere of consideration, concern and comfort. We employ the latest technology available to ensure your comfort during your visit to our office.
How long is recovery time?
You will be “numb” on the root canal treated side immediately following treatment. Typically the numbness will resolve within an hour after leaving our office. There are no restrictions on going right back to work for the vast majority of root canal cases. There may be some medication prescribed to you for your procedure and comfort.
Do you take my insurance?
We accept most insurance and are participating providers for several popular insurance plans. Our staff will check your insurance benefits and submit your insurance claims for you. Our staff will also check benefits with your general dentist and to the best of our ability estimate your patient portion of your insurance plan if applicable.
How can I pay for treatment?
Payment is expected at the completion of your root canal treatment. We have many convenient options for you to pay for your care. We accept cash, check, major credit cards. We offer a couple of financing options to include a no interest dental payment plan called Care Credit with which you do not have any out-of-pocket fees at the time of treatment. We also offer a 20% discount if you pay in full the day of service.
What do I need to do after my root canal?
We ask that you schedule an appointment with your general dentist as soon as possible if your tooth requires a filling, crown or additional dental procedures. We always send an X-ray and treatment report back to your referring general dentist to inform her or him of your root canal findings and any future recommendations.

Please give us a call at 410-224-7556 if you have any questions or concerns regarding your root canal case. We are always happy to answer any of your questions.
Contact Us
Phone: 410-224-7556
Fax: 410-431-3556
Email: admin@chesapeakeendo.com
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday – Thursday
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
7:30 AM - 12:00 PM